Aleo 3D Flash Slideshow Creator Portable + SN

Membuat tampilan Slide foto akan jauh lebih mudah dengan software Aleo 3D Flash Slideshow Creator
Make 3D photo slideshow, 3D dock menu, 3D carousel show, 3D image scroller and image roller without knowledge of Flash.
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Easy to use.
* Easy to use interface.
* No requirement of Adobe Flash Studio.
* No requirement of Flash knowledge.

Make 3D Flash Slideshow, 3D Photo Slideshow, Carousel Show and Image Scroller.
* Make 3D photo slideshow.
* Make 3D dock menu.
* Make 3D carousel show.
* Make 3D image scroller and roller.
* Pause image transitions on mouse rollover.
* Make XML file driven slide show or embed photos to the slideshow and generate one
Flash file at the end.
* HTML formatted text which can support font size, color, face and hyperlinks.
* Add background music and audio controller to the Flash banner.
* Support transparent PNG and GIF images.
* Add a customizable preloader.
* Set a web link for each slide or set a default web link for all slides.

For registration :
Username =
Registration Code = 115O114A98E99 

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