Source Code Vb6.0 Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB)

Source Code aplikasi penerimaan siswa baru yang bisa digunakan untuk membantu memudahkan proses pendaftaran siswa baru yang dilengkapi dengan proses penerimaan dan seleksi dan diproses langsung oleh komputer, serta dilengkapi dengan menu pembayaran dan tunggakan setelah siswa mendaftar dan diterima.
Menu dari Aplikasi PSB adalah:

1. MENU MASTER digunakan untuk memasukkan IDENTITAS SEKOLAH, SETTING TAHUN AJARAN , SETTING PEMBAYARAN yang berisi item - item pembayaran yang harus dibayar oleh calon siswa maupun siswa pendafatar atau yang telah diterima oleh sekolah.

2. MENU PENDAFTARAN adalah menu yang digunakan untuk proses memasukkan data CALON SISWA YANG MENDAFTAR di sekolah, lengkap dengan syarat-syaratnya.

3. MENU PENERIMAAN adalah menu yang digunakan untuk memproses seleksi siswa yang masuk yang bisa dipilih berdasarkan NEM atau hasil TEST yang terbesar.

4. MENU DAFTAR ULANG, digunakan untuk memasukkan PEMBAYARAN yang harus dibayar oleh SISWA YANG DITERIMA.


Rp 100.000,-


Super Bonus:
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Step By Step – Book and CD Package with Practice
Teach yourself the essential tools and techniques for Visual Basic 2010-one step at a time. No matter what your skill level, you’ll find the practical guidance and examples you need to start building professional applications for Windows and the Web.
Discover how to:
* Work in the Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
* Master essential techniques-from managing data and variables to using inheritance and dialog boxes
* Create professional-looking UIs; add visual effects and print support
* Build compelling Web features with the Visual Web Developer tool
* Use Microsoft® ADO.NET and advanced data presentation controls
* Debug your programs and handle run-time errors
* Use new features, such as Query Builder, and Microsoft® .NET Framework

Table of Contents
Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Basic 2010

Chapter 1 Exploring the Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment
1. The Visual Studio Development Environment
2. The Visual Studio Tools
3. The Properties Window
4. Moving and Resizing the Programming Tools
5. Switching Among Open Files and Tools by Using the IDE Navigator
6. Opening a Web Browser Within Visual Studio
7. Getting Help
8. Customizing IDE Settings to Match Step-by-Step Exercises
9. One Step Further: Exiting Visual Studio
10. Chapter 1 Quick Reference

Chapter 2 Writing Your First Program
1. Lucky Seven: Your First Visual Basic Program
2. Programming Steps
3. Creating the User Interface
4. Setting the Properties
5. The Picture Box Properties
6. Writing the Code
7. A Look at the Button1_Click Procedure
8. Running Visual Basic Applications
9. Sample Projects on Disk
10. Building an Executable File
11. Deploying Your Application
12. One Step Further: Adding to a Program
13. Chapter 2 Quick Reference

Chapter 3 Working with Toolbox Controls
1. The Basic Use of Controls: The Hello World Program
2. Using the DateTimePicker Control
3. Controls for Gathering Input
4. One Step Further: Using the LinkLabel Control
5. Chapter 3 Quick Reference
4. Chapter 4 Working with Menus, Toolbars, and Dialog Boxes
1. Adding Menus by Using the MenuStrip Control
2. Adding Access Keys to Menu Commands
3. Processing Menu Choices
4. Adding Toolbars with the ToolStrip Control
5. Using Dialog Box Controls
6. Event Procedures That Manage Common Dialog Boxes
7. One Step Further: Assigning Shortcut Keys to Menus

Chapter 4 Quick Reference
1. Programming Fundamentals

Chapter 5 Visual Basic Variables and Formulas and the .NET Framework
1. The Anatomy of a Visual Basic Program Statement
2. Using Variables to Store Information
3. Using Variables in a Program
4. Using a Variable to Store Input
5. Using a Variable for Output
6. Working with Specific Data Types
7. Working with Visual Basic Operators
8. Working with Math Methods in the .NET Framework
9. One Step Further: Establishing Order of Precedence
10. Chapter 5 Quick Reference

Chapter 6 Using Decision Structures
1. Event-Driven Programming
2. Using Conditional Expressions
3. If … Then Decision Structures
4. Select Case Decision Structures
5. One Step Further: Detecting Mouse Events
6. Chapter 6 Quick Reference
3. Chapter 7 Using Loops and Timers
1. Writing For … Next Loops
2. Using a Counter Variable in a Multiline TextBox Control
3. Creating Complex For … Next Loops
4. Writing Do Loops
5. Avoiding an Endless Loop
6. The Timer Control
7. Creating a Digital Clock by Using a Timer Control
8. Using a Timer Object to Set a Time Limit
9. One Step Further: Inserting Code Snippets

Chapter 7 Quick Reference
Chapter 8 Debugging Visual Basic Programs
1. Finding and Correcting Errors
2. Three Types of Errors
3. Identifying Logic Errors
4. Debugging 101: Using Debugging Mode
5. Tracking Variables by Using a Watch Window
6. Visualizers: Debugging Tools That Display Data
7. Using the Immediate and Command Windows
8. Switching to the Command Window
9. One Step Further: Removing Breakpoints
10. Chapter 8 Quick Reference

Chapter 9 Trapping Errors by Using Structured Error Handling
1. Processing Errors by Using the Try … Catch Statement
2. Writing a Disc Drive Error Handler
3. Using the Finally Clause to Perform Cleanup Tasks
4. More Complex Try … Catch Error Handlers
5. Comparing Error Handlers with Defensive Programming Techniques
6. One Step Further: The Exit Try Statement
7. Chapter 9 Quick Reference

Chapter 10 Creating Modules and Procedures
1. Working with Modules
2. Working with Public Variables
3. Creating Procedures
4. Writing Function Procedures
5. Writing Sub Procedures
6. One Step Further: Passing Arguments by Value and by Reference
7. Chapter 10 Quick Reference

Chapter 11 Using Arrays to Manage Numeric and String Data
1. Working with Arrays of Variables
2. Preserving Array Contents by Using ReDim Preserve
3. One Step Further: Processing Large Arrays by Using Methods in the Array Class
4. Chapter 11 Quick Reference

Chapter 12 Working with Collections
1. Working with Object Collections
2. Creating Your Own Collections
3. One Step Further: VBA Collections
4. Chapter 12 Quick Reference

9. Chapter 13 Exploring Text Files and String Processing
1. Reading Text Files
2. Writing Text Files
3. Processing Strings with the String Class
4. Sorting Text
5. Protecting Text with Basic Encryption
6. One Step Further: Using the Xor Operator
7. Chapter 13 Quick Reference
3. Designing the User Interface

1. Chapter 14 Managing Windows Forms and Controls at Run Time
1. Adding New Forms to a Program
2. How Forms Are Used
3. Working with Multiple Forms
4. Positioning Forms on the Windows Desktop
5. Adding Controls to a Form at Run Time
6. Organizing Controls on a Form
7. One Step Further: Specifying the Startup Object
8. Chapter 14 Quick Reference

2. Chapter 15 Adding Graphics and Animation Effects
1. Adding Artwork by Using the System.Drawing Namespace
2. Adding Animation to Your Programs
3. Expanding and Shrinking Objects While a Program is Running
4. One Step Further: Changing Form Transparency
5. Chapter 15 Quick Reference

3. Chapter 16 Inheriting Forms and Creating Base Classes
1. Inheriting a Form by Using the Inheritance Picker
2. Creating Your Own Base Classes
3. One Step Further: Inheriting a Base Class
4. Chapter 16 Quick Reference

4. Chapter 17 Working with Printers
1. Using the PrintDocument Class
2. Printing Multipage Text Files
3. One Step Further: Adding Print Preview and Page Setup Dialog Boxes
4. Chapter 17 Quick Reference
4. Database and Web Programming

1. Chapter 18 Getting Started with ADO .NET
1. Database Programming with ADO.NET
2. Using Bound Controls to Display Database Information
3. One Step Further: SQL Statements, LINQ, and Filtering Data
4. Chapter 18 Quick Reference

2. Chapter 19 Data Presentation Using the DataGridView Control
1. Using DataGridView to Display Database Records
2. Formatting DataGridView Cells
3. Adding a Second Data Grid View Object
4. One Step Further: Updating the Original Database
5. Chapter 19 Quick Reference

3. Chapter 20 Creating Web Sites and Web Pages by Using Visual Web Developer and ASP.NET
1. Inside ASP.NET
2. Building a Web Site by Using Visual Web Developer
3. Using the Web Page Designer
4. Adding Server Controls to a Web Site
5. Customizing the Web Site Template
6. Displaying Database Records on a Web Page
7. One Step Further: Setting Web Site Titles in Internet Explorer
8. Chapter 20 Quick Reference

Super Bonus-2:
Keungulan Visual Basic dalam membuat user interface dan kemampuan database Ms.Access yang terintegrasi apabila dipadukan dapat menghasilkan aplikasi yang handal. Dengan cara memperhatikan demo-demo yang ditampilkan pada CD-Belajar ini, Anda akan melihat kemampuan Data Control dalam menangani database serta memanipulasinya menggunakan kode-kode Visual Basic sesuai kebutuhan aplikasi.
Setelah menggunakan produk FlexT ini, Anda akan dapat:
1. Mendesain Database, Relasi Tabel, Query dan Konversi Database
2. Mendesain user interface dengan Menu MDI
3. Membuat Form Master Barang
4. Membuat Form Penjualan (Transaksi & Faktur)
5. Membuat Laporan Penjualan
6. Membuat Laporan Stok Barang
Spesifikasi Komputer : Prosesor Pentium, Ram 256 Mb, Resolusi minimal 1024 x 768, CD-ROM minimal 24x, VGA minimal 16 bit, Sound Card, Speaker. OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Tingkat Keterampilan: Pemula, Menengah
Target Pengguna: Umum

Super Bonus-3:
FoxPro sejak awal memang dirancang sebagai tools yang fokus pada pengembangan aplikasi database. Dengan Visual FoxPro, kekuatan bahasa FoxPro tetap dapat Anda nikmati, diperindah oleh kemampuan visual development yang sedemikian mudah. Anda dapat lebih berkonsentrasi pada sistem dan proses aplikasi, sedangkan akses dan interface dapat Anda percayakan pada kekuatan VISUAL dari Visual FoxPro.
Dengan CD-Belajar ini, Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu untuk membaca buku teknnis yang tebal dan memusingkan. Anda cukup belajar secara multimedia dengan memperhatikan demo-demo dan mencoba langsung teknik-teknik yang ditunjukkan. Proses belajar Anda akan sangat cepat, mudah dan membahagiakan.
Pada CD-Belajar ini, Anda akan belajar secara visual dan mandiri: Mengenal Database, Tabel dan Query; Menggunakan Form dan Control; Mengakses Data dari Form; Membuat Form Transaksi; Membuat Laporan (Faktur dan Stok); Membuat & Modifikasi Class; Membuat Menu Aplikasi
Spesifikasi Komputer : Prosesor Pentium, Ram 256 Mb, Resolusi minimal 1024 x 768, CD-ROM minimal 24x, VGA minimal 16 bit, Sound Card, Speaker. OS: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Tingkat Keterampilan: Pemula, Menengah
Target Pengguna: Umum

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